At Wise Laws, our San Antonio lawyers multiply an energetic defense for individuals and businesses charged with San Antonio TX telemarketing fraud. Wise Laws represent clients from around the country. If you have been accused of operating fraudulent schemes using telephones, it is important to have experienced legal representation.
You will find that our attorneys are experienced, creative and dedicated to resolving your legal problem. San Antonio TX Conviction of telemarketing fraud can carry major penalties. It is important to have a seasoned defense team when fighting San Antonio Texas telemarketing fraud charges.
Some San Antonio Texas Telemarketing Fraud Charges include:
In general, San Antonio Texas telemarketing schemes involve promising something of value over the telephone and the victim has made not delivering it after payment. Such charges can also involve obtaining credit card information by telephone and then making use of the victim’s credit. If you have been accused of operating a San Antonio TX telemarketing scheme along these lines, it is in your best interests to seek legal counsel right away.
If you are facing any telemarketing fraud charges in San Antonio, you can be assured that Wise Laws will help in defending you effectively, working to recognize weaknesses in the prosecution’s case that lead to reasonable doubt among members of the jury.
Wise Laws affiliated San Antonio TX telemarketing fraud defense lawyers are accessible to respond to emergencies and staff can provide accommodation to you as well by calling 800-270-8184 or filling out our CONTACT FORM.